Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Small, WET, 3 Day Weekend.

3 Day Weekend Yay. Wasn't really up to much, but had fun though.

Dungeon And Dragon session. And we did fight a dragon, in a dungeon.

Not that dragon, but a dragon. A small one, but a dragon anyway. A chuckling dragon.

Did want to check out a miniature painting session, but I didn't.

It's at JustWarGame at Karamunsing Capital (the one opposite Karamunsing Complex, above Old Town Cafe) No. B1-3, 1st Flr, Blk B.
Operated by SeerFounder, who has an impressive collection.

Eliza Dushku is WET. Really.

She lends her voice to the main character.
It's a fun-ish game. Very kinetic, as in sword to the neck, bullet to the gut, wall running kinda kinetic.
The game has some cool moments, such as when you had a gunfight car chase on the highway while jumping car to car. But control is a bit wonky.

There was also a Ultimate Frisbee thing, but day was hot and I had Korean drama marathon. Really.

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